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schief gehen

schief gehen

schief gehen

to go wrong, to go awry, to go pear-shaped

schief gehen

Heute ist einiges schief gegangen. Das Programm hat nicht funktioniert. Dann hat das Video nicht funktioniert. Das Mikrophon war nicht richtig angeschlossen und dann hat das Programm wieder nicht funktioniert.


Ich habe nochmal alles angefangen, aber wieder hat das Programm nicht funktioniert. Ich habe ein Video gedreht, aber das Audio hat nicht funktioniert.

Alles musste ich löschen.

Also, nochm…

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Zehn lustige Dinge, die meine Kunden gesagt haben


Hier sind zehn lustige Dinge, die meine Kunden gesagt haben.

Here are 10 funny things my clients have said.

  1. der Wasserhahn
  2. sein = to be. sein = his
  3. ADUSO
  4. sich verlieben in + Akk
  5. Drogen oder Medikamente?!
  6. Kichererbsen
  7. der Schmetterling
  8. etwas gebacken kriegen
  9. der Öko-Spießer (use with caution!)
  10. not Schwiegereltern, but...

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10 Jahre GermanWithNicole.com!


This business started out 10 years ago this month, in May of 2013. By mid-2015 this was a real part-time job, and now every week I teach two classes, over a dozen private lessons, and since I began teaching German back in 2010, I've taught a total of more than 5,550 hours of German.

Wir feiern heute! Wir feiern heute! We will celebrate today! Wir feiern heute!

In the episode/blog post you'll hear and see 10 of my favorite moments of the past 10 years – meine Lieblingsmomente der letzten 10 Jah…

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Johannes Brahms: A German Requiem with the Bel Canto Chorus


For those of you who don't know yet, I (Frau Warner) am also a classical singer and I love the Germanic repertoire. The Bel Canto Chorus here in Milwaukee, along with the Kettle Moraine Symphony, is performing Johannes Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem) on May 21, 2023 at 3:00 pm.

If you're unfamiliar with the text, or would simply like to enjoy getting to know the text before the concert (or maybe you simply love music, like I do?!), these videos are for you!

In each video, one …

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B1 Review and B1 Test Prep

I am Frau Warner and I am a B1 test proctor, which means I am qualified to give this exam with the Goethe-Institut.

The B1 class I teach, which meets on Monday evenings, just had their first of two practice tests, and they all did so very well! Ich bin sehr stolz auf sie! Ich bin sehr stolz auf sie! I'm very proud of them! Ich bin sehr stolz auf sie!

The next session runs April 24 – May 30th, and the session will include B1 topics the clients in this class have chosen. I have a couple of ide…

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Sagt man «Viel Glück» oder «Viel Erfolg»?


Wishing someone "good luck" in German often goes one of two ways--either "Viel Glück!" or "Viel Erfolg!" Which one you use depends on what you want to say. It's part of the entire cultural aspect of luck, and Germans have specific ways in which they try to find luck.

Today you'll learn how to give these wishes in German and what marzipan has to do with all of it.

How to find good luck in Germany

If you need some luck and you see a Schornsteinfeger (a chimney sweep), then do what I did the o…

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What is a Stammtisch?


der Stammtisch

der Stammtisch – an inadequate translation is “group of regulars.”

der Stammtisch

Today you'll learn:

  • what a Stammtisch is in Germany and how it differs in the US,
  • what you need to know before you go,
  • how often to expect to attend a Stammtisch,
  • where they take place,
  • and something called Einmal ist keinmal.

Sind Sie bereit? Los geht's!

What is a Stammtisch?

A Stammtisch is different in Germany it is in the US, so let's start with the original Stammtisch:

  • a regu…

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5 Reasons to Read "The Book Thief"


Of course, there are many more than 5 reasons, however here are 5 of those reasons to read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

I read it several years ago, and several of my clients have read it, and they keep recommending it to their spouses and friends.

I'll leave this post and the podcast episode up after the discussion (March 2023), because I sincerely hope that you will take the time to read this outstanding novel. If you care to, feel free to leave a comment below on what you think of the bo…

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Affordable Swiss Watches for Women and Men


Die Uhr means "the watch."

Die Schweiz means Switzerland.


I think not.

In seriousness, though, I grew up with the preconception that all Swiss watches were extraordinarily expensive. Sehr teuer.

Then I discovered this Swiss watch company and discovered that you CAN buy a high quality, Swiss watch for under $500.


Jowissa is a Swiss watchmaking company

Jowissa is also an independent, family-owned business in its third generation. I grew up in a family-owned bu…

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How and How Much to Tip in Germany


Giving a tip in German is ein Trinkgeld geben or simply Trinkgeld geben.

It's different from the US, and in this episode you'll learn:

  • how much to tip for a coffee
  • how much to tip for an inexpensive, sit-down lunch
  • how much to tip for a nicer dinner out

And you'll learn what to say when you give the tip.

A lot of people ask me this question, and if they have an idea of the answer, it's usually a vague "You round up, right?"

That's actually pretty close!

How to tip for coffee:


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