Good ol'-fashioned RSS Feed

What are the Hallmarks of A2 German Grammar?


In a high-quality A2 German class, you will find several hallmarks, one of them being a Nebensatz mit weil, another being an ever-increasing ability to say the same thing in (at least) two different ways in German. You should be able to give your opinions on more topics.

If you've completed the A1 level and/or have passed the A1 test, if you have a decent (60%) handle on the Akkusativ and Dativ prepositions, if you can use the Perfekt correctly at least 60% of the time, and if you can correct u…

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German Pens, Pencils, and Markers

Most of my clients love pens and pencils, and while I urge you all to have a single “home” for your German learning materials, I also urge you to have pens and pencils dedicated to your German learning. 

That may be why my clients recently received three Stabilo Stifte (writing utensils, in this case felt-tip pens) and a Staedler Bleistift (pencil) from me for the 10th anniversary of the business.

Ich liebe die deutsche Sprache und ich liebe Schreibstifte aus Deutschland!
Ich liebe die de…

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Zehn lustige Dinge, die meine Kunden gesagt haben


Hier sind zehn lustige Dinge, die meine Kunden gesagt haben.

Here are 10 funny things my clients have said.

  1. der Wasserhahn
  2. sein = to be. sein = his
  3. ADUSO
  4. sich verlieben in + Akk
  5. Drogen oder Medikamente?!
  6. Kichererbsen
  7. der Schmetterling
  8. etwas gebacken kriegen
  9. der Öko-Spießer (use with caution!)
  10. not Schwiegereltern, but...

N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios are available on the blog posts …

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Johannes Brahms: A German Requiem with the Bel Canto Chorus


For those of you who don't know yet, I (Frau Warner) am also a classical singer and I love the Germanic repertoire. The Bel Canto Chorus here in Milwaukee, along with the Kettle Moraine Symphony, is performing Johannes Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem) on May 21, 2023 at 3:00 pm.

If you're unfamiliar with the text, or would simply like to enjoy getting to know the text before the concert (or maybe you simply love music, like I do?!), these videos are for you!

In each video, one …

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Sagt man «Viel Glück» oder «Viel Erfolg»?


Wishing someone "good luck" in German often goes one of two ways--either "Viel Glück!" or "Viel Erfolg!" Which one you use depends on what you want to say. It's part of the entire cultural aspect of luck, and Germans have specific ways in which they try to find luck.

Today you'll learn how to give these wishes in German and what marzipan has to do with all of it.


N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios a…

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What is a Stammtisch?


der Stammtisch

der Stammtisch – an inadequate translation is “group of regulars.”

der Stammtisch

Today you'll learn:

  • what a Stammtisch is in Germany and how it differs in the US,
  • what you need to know before you go,
  • how often to expect to attend a Stammtisch,
  • where they take place,
  • and something called Einmal ist keinmal.

Sind Sie bereit? Los geht's!

N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios ar…

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How and How Much to Tip in Germany


Giving a tip in German is ein Trinkgeld geben or simply Trinkgeld geben.

It's different from the US, and in this episode you'll learn:

  • how much to tip for a coffee
  • how much to tip for an inexpensive, sit-down lunch
  • how much to tip for a nicer dinner out

And you'll learn what to say when you give the tip.

N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios are available on the blog posts published between Augu…

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11 Interesting and Important Facts About Austria


This month clients in the group classes and private lessons are learning about Austria. They have access to an online lesson with typical Austrian phrases and expressions and we also had a Konversationskurs, a Conversation Class, all about Austria.

Here you get to learn some of what my clients have learned about Austria this month, including how to pronounce Österreich.

N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The au…

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How do you "Tell your folks I says hi" in German?


Ope! Almost forgot to tell you this important thing about greetings in the Germanic cultures.

Although we have loads of people with German heritage in Wisconsin, and Charlie Berens has taught us the brilliance of the phrase "Tell your folks I says hi," here, this custom doesn't require as many elements as in the Germanic countries.

There, in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, it's different. And it's important. It's an important cultural custom that gets overlooked frequently if you don't know…

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Which German Dictionaries are Good for Learners: Books, Websites, and Apps


Learning how to use a German-English dictionary effectively is one of the single skills which can really help support you in your German learning adventure.

German learners frequently ask: Which German-English dictionary should I buy? Is it worth buying the big one? How do I know which dictionary will be right for me? Are the online German dictionaries better?

In this blog post/podcast episode, I'll guide you step-by-step through which dictionary you can/should use as a beginner through the el…

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