Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™

German learning for Germanophiles, Swissophiles, Austrophiles, book lovers, (over)thinkers, word collectors, geeks, knowledge seekers, and (recovering) perfectionists.

Learning German with Frau Warner is likely right for you if you:

  • love to learn,
    • or you need to learn new things almost constantly
  • learn well through analogies, metaphors, and idioms,
  • find calm in following rules and systems, by color-coding things, and organizing,
  • enjoy precision immensely,
  • collect words; perhaps you can can 'taste,' 'touch,' or 'smell' words,
  • love exploring new ideas and concepts,
  • are creative with words, music, or artistic media,
  • like puzzles and games,
  • are fueled by deep thoughts and deep conversation,
  • can concentrate for long periods of time,
  • want to be freed from the tyranny of tests,
  • and/or you strive for self-actualization.*

* The intro and this text is based on Rainforest Mind by Paula Prober. Ask Frau Warner about it sometime.


    “You're like the lab partner everybody wants to work with.”



    “If I hadn't found you, I don't think I would have made it. So vielen Dank for making my language journey such a joy!”



    “I wouldn't have made it this far without her [Frau Warner].”

    Wisconsin, USA


    “Thank you again for a wonderful first class. You have the best people skills I have encountered in a long time, and for that, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!”

    Bavaria, Germany


    “Ich habe mich entschieden, dass obwohl Deutsch sprechen nicht mein Lebenszweck ist, es ist ein besser Hobby als sinnlos im Internet surfen und zu viel trinken. [Translation: I've decided, that even though German isn't my life's purpose, it's a better hobby than mindlessly surfing the internet and drinking too much.]”



    “I have stopped feeling bad about where I am in German because you have dug it into me that I don't need to feel bad about it.”



    “This is why I love having a teacher. I could read this on my own, but I'd never have been able to do that. That's why I love our lessons.”


How can I learn German?

Live, Online Classes

Small group classes which meet in 6-week sessions.

All classes are taught by Frau Warner.

Check out the German Classes

Take Private German Lessons Online

Take private German lessons with Frau Warner in an online classroom.

Work at your pace using real German books and with plenty of speaking practice.

Read about lessons

Am Blog

Here are the three most recent German learning blog posts:

Always 'Frau,' never 'Fräulein' (RANT)


First the educational part, and then the rant.

Here is the educational part: I have no idea why this information isn't widespread in the US, but decades ago, DECADES, Germans stopped using the word Fräulein. It's inappropriate and impolite to use it.

Educational part done.

Now the rant:

It's never Fräulein, only ever Frau.

The word Fräulein, as in Fräulein Maria, is not used any more. The movie The Sound of Music was set in the year 1938. It is now 2024. German has changed a bit since 193…

Read more…

11 Words, Phrases, and Ideas to Help You Chip Away at Your Perfectionism and Learn (Even) More German


Elf! Elf! Eleven! Elf!

11 Jahre! Diese Folge widme ich meiner Kundin Frau A., die seit achteinhalb Jahren bei mir Deutsch lernt und sie lernt sehr, sehr viel Deutsch. Hut ab, Frau A.!

This episode is dedicated to Frau A., my longest-standing client, at 8 and a half years and in that time she has learned an incredible amount of German. Hats off to you! Hut ab!

If you're serious about learning German and you have a strong perfectionistic streak which keeps tripping you up…

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