das Blog
Always 'Frau,' never 'Fräulein' (RANT)
First the educational part, and then the rant.
Here is the educational part: I have no idea why this information isn't widespread in the US, but decades ago, DECADES, Germans stopped using the word Fräulein. It's inappropriate and impolite to use it.
Educational part done.
Now the rant:
It's never Fräulein, only ever Frau.
The word Fräulein, as in Fräulein Maria, is not used any more. The movie The Sound of Music was set in the year 1938. It is now 2024. German has changed a bit since 193…
ein Blick hinter die Kulissen werfen
Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen werfen
Take a look behind the scenes at this 'happy accident' of a business!
You can find the "How I Made This" Page here: https://www.germanwithnicole.com/how-i-made-this as well as in the main menu under "About."
11 Words, Phrases, and Ideas to Help You Chip Away at Your Perfectionism and Learn (Even) More German
Elf! Elf! Eleven! Elf!
11 Jahre GermanWithNicole.com! Diese Folge widme ich meiner Kundin Frau A., die seit achteinhalb Jahren bei mir Deutsch lernt und sie lernt sehr, sehr viel Deutsch. Hut ab, Frau A.!
This episode is dedicated to Frau A., my longest-standing client, at 8 and a half years and in that time she has learned an incredible amount of German. Hats off to you! Hut ab!
If you're serious about learning German and you have a strong perfectionistic streak which keeps tripping you up…
die Besinnlichkeit (zum Entspannen)
die Besinnlichkeit
die Besinnlichkeit
die Besinnlichkeit
zum Entspannen = for relaxing
Sound Effect (music) from Pixabay
A Video of Christmas Markets in Germany and Austria
Der Weihnachtsmarkt, die Weihnachtsmärkte
Der Weihnachtsmarkt, die Weihnachtsmärkte
a Christmas Market
der Weihnachtsmarkt, die Weihnachtsmärkte
An Advent Calendar for German Learning
How can we use an 'Adventskalender' for German learning?
Ask my clients. ;-)
Tag der offenen Tür
Tag der offenen Tür
Tag der offenen Tür
Open House!
Tag der offenen Tür
Das hier ist Ihre Einladung zum Tag der offenen Tür am 16. September.
This is your invitation to the GermanWithNicole.com 10th Anniversary Open House on September 16th.
When I lived in Germany one of my first jobs was teaching voice, piano, and music theory at a private music school. The owner had recently moved into that building, where he could have additional rooms for more private teachers, and I sta…
sich anmelden - Conjugations and Meaning
sich anmelden
Ohhhh, reflexive separable verbs. You can pride yourself in your use of reflexive verbs as soon as you start learning them. (See what I did there? Pride yourself. Ah-ha, ah-ha!) And today you'll learn sich anmelden, to register (yourself) for a German class.
After the intro you'll learn the conjugations for the verb sich anmelden, and then you'll hear a German text. After a very short interlude you'll hear the same text in English. That's verb conjugations, German text, English t…
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