How do you "Tell your folks I says hi" in German?


Ope! Almost forgot to tell you this important thing about greetings in the Germanic cultures.

Although we have loads of people with German heritage in Wisconsin, and Charlie Berens has taught us the brilliance of the phrase "Tell your folks I says hi," here, this custom doesn't require as many elements as in the Germanic countries.

There, in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, it's different. And it's important. It's an important cultural custom that gets overlooked frequently if you don't know what to look for.

This is called Grüße bestellen (giving regards/"Charlie says hi"), and that's what you'll learn today.

First we'll map out an appropriate scenario, second we'll move through the sequence of who says what to whom, then we'll explore the why of it, and at the end, of course, your homework.

Where you'll learn why I say "Viele Grüße von Frau Warner!"

Charlie Berens (Viele Grüße von mir!): 

Which German Dictionaries are Good for Learners: Books, Websites, and Apps
11 Interesting and Important Facts About Austria


Paul J

Viele Grüße zurück!

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Mary Alyce Lach

Viele Grüße von mir.  

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Nicole Warner

Viele Grüße zurück!

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