das Blog

11 Interesting and Important Facts About Austria


This month clients in the group classes and private lessons are learning about Austria. They have access to an online lesson with typical Austrian phrases and expressions and we also had a Konversationskurs, a Conversation Class, all about Austria.

Here you get to learn some of what my clients have learned about Austria this month, including how to pronounce Österreich.


Die Krimmler Wasserfälle (The Health Secret!) https://www.austria.info/en/wellbeing-nature/lakes-mountains/krimml-w…

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How do you "Tell your folks I says hi" in German?


Ope! Almost forgot to tell you this important thing about greetings in the Germanic cultures.

Although we have loads of people with German heritage in Wisconsin, and Charlie Berens has taught us the brilliance of the phrase "Tell your folks I says hi," here, this custom doesn't require as many elements as in the Germanic countries.

There, in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, it's different. And it's important. It's an important cultural custom that gets overlooked frequently if you don't know…

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Which German Dictionaries are Good for Learners: Books, Websites, and Apps


Learning how to use a German-English dictionary effectively is one of the single skills which can really help support you in your German learning adventure.

German learners frequently ask: Which German-English dictionary should I buy? Is it worth buying the big one? How do I know which dictionary will be right for me? Are the online German dictionaries better?

In this blog post/podcast episode, I'll guide you step-by-step through which dictionary you can/should use as a beginner through the el…

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The 3 Elements Which Make German Hard...or Easy...to Learn


There are three elements which make German hard (or easy...ok easier...) to learn:

  1. Materials & Resources
  2. Methods
  3. Instructor(s) or lack there of.

Today you'll learn about these three elements and how they may make German harder to learn, or maybe easier.

Together these elements create one big constellation.

Which ones help you? Which ones are simply good enough? And which elements don't help you?

Definitely cue in to the next episode next week. ;-)

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Three German Phrases on Beginnings to Celebrate One Year of this Podcast!


I got a little verklemmt in this one.

It's the One-Year Anniversary of this podcast! Hurra!

So first I answer a couple of questions.

Then there are three phrases in German on beginnings.

And to close it out: a boatload of thank-yous.

Danke. ♥

Authors and such mentioned in this episode:

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Hermann Hesse

Friedrich Nietzsche

Sigmund Freud

Carl Jung

Ingrid Noll

Christa Wolf

Christine Brückner (new to me!)

die Schadenfreude = pleasure at someone else's misfort…

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5 Reasons Why You Still Can't Speak German

5 Reasons Why You Still Can't Speak German NEW

Frustration can run pretty high when you take a German class but you just can’t seem to speak it correctly. The baker in Germany doesn’t understand you so you have to point and the person you ask for directions switches to English.

So why is it that you have taken class after class or lesson after lesson, but you still can’t speak German?

There might be more than one reason, and here are five which are common themes amongst German learners.

Which one stops you from speaking German?

Reason …

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The 3 Most Important Skills You Need as a German Learner


These are the three skills you need as a beginner, as a novice learner, as an intermediate German learner and beyond.

These are perhaps the most important skills I could help you acquire, no matter if you learn German for travel, as a hobby, or for work.

Without these skills, you won't make as much progress as you could make, given the time and energy you have, and you might find yourself increasingly frustrated.

Learning these skills might help you make more progress over time, and you may f…

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What does "Fingerspitzengefühl" mean?


This untranslatable German word is one of my favorites, and I hope it becomes one of yours, too!

You'll learn the meaning of Fingerspitzengefühl and there are plenty of repetitions of it so you can get used to pronouncing it.

It's a long word!

You'll learn the meaning of Fingerspitzengefühl in English and you'll learn when to use it in German.

Reference for the sensitivity of fingertips: https://asknature.org/strategy/fingertips-increase-sensitivity-to-touch/


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Why Do People Learn German?


There are a whole host of reasons for learning German, however when I asked my readers, they responded with new and different reasons.

Here are 5 different reasons people learn German (out of the many reasons featured in this episode), in no particular order:

  • Ich liebe deutsche Musik. (I love German music.)

  • Die Deutschen sind praktisch und das finde ich gut. (Germans are practical and I think that's good.)

  • Sprache ist für mich eine große Herausforderung. (German is a big challeng…

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