das Blog


Why Do People Learn German?


There are a whole host of reasons for learning German, however when I asked my readers, they responded with new and different reasons.

Here are 5 different reasons people learn German (out of the many reasons featured in this episode), in no particular order:

  • Ich liebe deutsche Musik. (I love German music.)

  • Die Deutschen sind praktisch und das finde ich gut. (Germans are practical and I think that's good.)

  • Sprache ist für mich eine große Herausforderung. (German is a big challeng…

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Nine Year Anniversary German With Nicole.com!


Nine Years of GermanWithNicole.com!

Although I've taught German since 2010, I've only taught privately and online since 2013. (Wellllll, it may have actually been 2012, but this was a chance development in my life that turned into a business, so if you won't tell anybody, I won't.)

Today you'll hear

  • two short numbers exercises in German,

  • a thank you in German followed by the same text in English,

  • and then five fantastic German words I've come across in the past few years.

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How is Frau Warner Different from Other German Teachers? Part 3 of 3

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This one's about authenticity and integrity.

Part 3:

8. You only have to follow two rules in my classroom.

9. You will encounter authentic elements of Germanic culture, not terrible clichés.

10. You'll learn real German.

11. You won't ever have to put up with me becoming a poser making myself into a social media influencer.

German National Athem (sung by yours truly): https://www.germanwithnicole.com/blog/what-is-the-german-national-anthem

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How is Frau Warner Different from Other German teachers? Part 2 of 3

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Yep, still more differences between me and other German teachers.

Ganz genau.

Part 2:

5. Not everyone learns German the same way, people need to receive the information in different ways, thus I will utilize every tool, resource, perspective, and analogy I can possibly think of to assist you in understanding German and learning how to speak it.

6. I won't shame you for not getting your homework done.

7. I'll give you permission to learn German. (Including all the permission you ever wanted!…

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How is Frau Warner Different from Other German teachers? Part 1 of 3

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This three-part series is great for you if you are still trying to figure out just how I (Frau Warner) am different from other German teachers.

Part 1:

  1. I'm not a native German speaker, I'm a German learner who became a German teacher.

  2. I'm a Third Culture Adult. (If you've spent any significant amount of time in a German-speaking country or have (a) German-speaking parent(s), I get you.)

  3. I won't give you unrealistic expectations and I'll be patient with you.

  4. I'm most interest…

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How to Say Ukraine and in the Ukraine, Ukranian in German


How to say (the) Ukraine/in the Ukraine in German, plus how to say Ukranians, women and men, and more.

The text of this podcast is below.

There is also a free PDF download for you here, it contains all of the vocabulary words from the blog text/episode.

If you have another question about how to say something in the Ukraine, please scroll down and leave your question as a comment. I'll respond within 24-48 hours.

Download the Vocabulary PDF

die Ukraine – the name of the country, with an …

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2 Simple Reasons Why You Should Learn German Swear Words

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(Note: There are no swear words in this post.)

Are you surprised that you should learn German swear words? You shouldn’t be.

What German language lover or German learner doesn't want to learn German swear words?!

German, like every language, has its own profanity.

It's plain offensive.

So why would I teach you swear words in German? Why would I enable you to potentially offend someone?!

There are two reasons why it's actually a good idea to learn German swear words, and they're going to ma…

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7 Funny German Words and Their Meanings


There are so many funny words in German and sometimes their meanings are straight-forward, sometimes they are words we might wish we had as English speakers!

Here are 7 funny German words, including two funny German words for animals (real or imagined?!), with slow pronunciation and the meanings of the words.

This episode is great for learners at the A1, A2, and B1 levels.

die Vokabeln:





der Kummerspeck

das Hüftgold

love handl…

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What is the Best Way to Learn German vocabulary?

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Yes, German vocabulary learning is the featured topic right now because the most important part of learning German is learning how to learn it.

Vocabulary learning is a HUGE part of that!

This is what you'll hear in this episode:

  • A realization a client of mine had about learning.

  • The answer to: should you use pencil and paper or an app?

  • Three ideas to put fresh wind in your sails for vocab learning.

  • Me getting up on my soap box about "the end-all, be-all method of lea…

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