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Deutsch lernen

Always 'Frau,' never 'Fräulein' (RANT)


First the educational part, and then the rant.

Here is the educational part: I have no idea why this information isn't widespread in the US, but decades ago, DECADES, Germans stopped using the word Fräulein. It's inappropriate and impolite to use it.

Educational part done.

Now the rant:

It's never Fräulein, only ever Frau.

The word Fräulein, as in Fräulein Maria, is not used any more. The movie The Sound of Music was set in the year 1938. It is now 2024. German has changed a bit since 193…

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11 Words, Phrases, and Ideas to Help You Chip Away at Your Perfectionism and Learn (Even) More German


Elf! Elf! Eleven! Elf!

11 Jahre GermanWithNicole.com! Diese Folge widme ich meiner Kundin Frau A., die seit achteinhalb Jahren bei mir Deutsch lernt und sie lernt sehr, sehr viel Deutsch. Hut ab, Frau A.!

This episode is dedicated to Frau A., my longest-standing client, at 8 and a half years and in that time she has learned an incredible amount of German. Hats off to you! Hut ab!

If you're serious about learning German and you have a strong perfectionistic streak which keeps tripping you up…

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schief gehen

schief gehen

schief gehen

to go wrong, to go awry, to go pear-shaped

schief gehen

Heute ist einiges schief gegangen. Das Programm hat nicht funktioniert. Dann hat das Video nicht funktioniert. Das Mikrophon war nicht richtig angeschlossen und dann hat das Programm wieder nicht funktioniert.


Ich habe nochmal alles angefangen, aber wieder hat das Programm nicht funktioniert. Ich habe ein Video gedreht, aber das Audio hat nicht funktioniert.

Alles musste ich löschen.

Also, nochm…

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10 Jahre GermanWithNicole.com!


This business started out 10 years ago this month, in May of 2013. By mid-2015 this was a real part-time job, and now every week I teach two classes, over a dozen private lessons, and since I began teaching German back in 2010, I've taught a total of more than 5,550 hours of German.

Wir feiern heute! Wir feiern heute! We will celebrate today! Wir feiern heute!

In the episode/blog post you'll hear and see 10 of my favorite moments of the past 10 years – meine Lieblingsmomente der letzten 10 Jah…

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B1 Review and B1 Test Prep

I am Frau Warner and I am a B1 test proctor, which means I am qualified to give this exam with the Goethe-Institut.

The B1 class I teach, which meets on Monday evenings, just had their first of two practice tests, and they all did so very well! Ich bin sehr stolz auf sie! Ich bin sehr stolz auf sie! I'm very proud of them! Ich bin sehr stolz auf sie!

The next session runs April 24 – May 30th, and the session will include B1 topics the clients in this class have chosen. I have a couple of ide…

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What is a Stammtisch?


der Stammtisch

der Stammtisch – an inadequate translation is “group of regulars.”

der Stammtisch

Today you'll learn:

  • what a Stammtisch is in Germany and how it differs in the US,
  • what you need to know before you go,
  • how often to expect to attend a Stammtisch,
  • where they take place,
  • and something called Einmal ist keinmal.

Sind Sie bereit? Los geht's!

What is a Stammtisch?

A Stammtisch is different in Germany it is in the US, so let's start with the original Stammtisch:

  • a regu…

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Which German Dictionaries are Good for Learners: Books, Websites, and Apps


Learning how to use a German-English dictionary effectively is one of the single skills which can really help support you in your German learning adventure.

German learners frequently ask: Which German-English dictionary should I buy? Is it worth buying the big one? How do I know which dictionary will be right for me? Are the online German dictionaries better?

In this blog post/podcast episode, I'll guide you step-by-step through which dictionary you can/should use as a beginner through the el…

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The 3 Elements Which Make German Hard...or Easy...to Learn


There are three elements which make German hard (or easy...ok easier...) to learn:

  1. Materials & Resources
  2. Methods
  3. Instructor(s) or lack there of.

Today you'll learn about these three elements and how they may make German harder to learn, or maybe easier.

Together these elements create one big constellation.

Which ones help you? Which ones are simply good enough? And which elements don't help you?

Definitely cue in to the next episode next week. ;-)

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Three German Phrases on Beginnings to Celebrate One Year of this Podcast!


I got a little verklemmt in this one.

It's the One-Year Anniversary of this podcast! Hurra!

So first I answer a couple of questions.

Then there are three phrases in German on beginnings.

And to close it out: a boatload of thank-yous.

Danke. ♥

Authors and such mentioned in this episode:

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Hermann Hesse

Friedrich Nietzsche

Sigmund Freud

Carl Jung

Ingrid Noll

Christa Wolf

Christine Brückner (new to me!)

die Schadenfreude = pleasure at someone else's misfort…

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5 Reasons Why You Still Can't Speak German

5 Reasons Why You Still Can't Speak German NEW

Frustration can run pretty high when you take a German class but you just can’t seem to speak it correctly. The baker in Germany doesn’t understand you so you have to point and the person you ask for directions switches to English.

So why is it that you have taken class after class or lesson after lesson, but you still can’t speak German?

There might be more than one reason, and here are five which are common themes amongst German learners.

Which one stops you from speaking German?

Reason …

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