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What Are the Six Parts of Learning German?
Ask any new German learner and they will say German has a million parts and a gazillion words and then you can add the words together to makes new words and...
There are only six parts to learning German.
No one part is more important than the other, either, as they are all part of the same machine, if you will.
Think of it like a car.
Does a car function well if part of it is missing or broken? Not usually!
A couple of weeks ago my car battery died (I'll spare you the details becaus…
Practice a Tongue Twister in German
der Zungenbrecher = tongue twister
Heute können Sie einen Zungenbrecher üben! Hier können Sie das PDF herunterladen:
Dann schauen Sie das Video. Ich helfe Ihnen dabei, das /ts/ aussprechen zu können und den Zungenbrecher zu lernen. Viel Spaß dabei!
auf Englisch:
Today you can practice a tongue twister! You can download the PDF here:
And then watch the video. In the video I'll help you correctly pronounce the /ts/ sound and to learn the tongue twister. Ha…
Ein Gedicht: Wenn die Hoffnung nicht wär
Guten Morgen allerseits!
Heute habe ich ein Gedicht für euch. So können Sie das Gedicht lernen:
1. Laden Sie das PDF herunter und lesen Sie das Gedicht.
2. Schlagen Sie Wörter nach, die Ihnen neu sind. Schreiben Sie einen Kommentar, wenn Sie eine Frage haben.
3. Schauen Sie das Video.
4. Schauen Sie das Video nochmal und sprechen Sie mit.
5. Sprechen Sie das Gedicht laut vor. Gut ist's!
Good morning everyone!
Today I have a poem for you. Here's how you can le…
How to Pronounce the Ach-Laut in German
The long-awaited Ach-Laut video is here! Hurra!
The "Ach-Laut" means the "ach sound" and it is the airy, throaty sound you hear in the words "ach" and "machen."
Phonetically, this sound is written as /X/ and to that we say "ach." In this video I've broken down for you:
1. What the sound /X/ is and what it isn't.
2. How to feel where it takes place and
3. How to practice the sound, first slowly and then speeding it up step-by-step.
The words we concentrate on in this video are Ach, Bach, Sa…
How I Learned German in 6 Months
There isn't much of a secret to language learning because it's all about working with the language as much as possible over a length of time. However I can give you tips on how I learned to speak German fluently (and I mean--I could say anything I wanted or needed to say) within about 6 months. Konjunktiv II? Kein Thema. Polite discourse? Absolut! Telling someone off? That, too.
Don't get me wrong--learning German in 6 months was really tough. I started at an A2 level (the second-lowest level) …
Wiederholen Sie, bitte!
5 Ways to Re-Use Your German & Learn More in the Process
There is one key ingredient to students who learn the most in their German lessons: they repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.
My first German teacher was (and surely still is) an excellent instructor. She told me if I wanted to learn a new word in German, I'd have to use it 28 times.
28 times!! That's a lot of repetition. (If that's an average, sometimes it goes faster--say 20 repetitions, and sometimes it takes longer, say 40 repet…
How to Pronounce the "Ich-Laut" in German
Use this Instructional Video to Learn How to Pronounce the "Ich-Laut" in German!
The Ich-Laut can be tough for English speakers to pronounce because it's not a part of English.
...or is it?
Ladies and Gentlemen, we *do* have the Ich-Laut in English--it's hidden!
In this video on how to pronounce the Ich-Laut, I show you where to find that hidden "ch" sound in English and then I guide you through a couple of exercises to help you pronounce this sound in German.
The most important factor is t…
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