Tag der offenen Tür
Tag der offenen Tür
Tag der offenen Tür
Open House!
Tag der offenen Tür
Das hier ist Ihre Einladung zum Tag der offenen Tür am 16. September.
This is your invitation to the GermanWithNicole.com 10th Anniversary Open House on September 16th.
When I lived in Germany one of my first jobs was teaching voice, piano, and music theory at a private music school. The owner had recently moved into that building, where he could have additional rooms for more private teachers, and I started my music studio there. (I no longer teach music, however it is very closely related to teaching German.)
Since it was a new building and a new home for the music school, we had an open house, a Tag der offenen Tür. It was an important opportunity for students to talk outside of their lessons with other students, for parents to hear and see more about their kids' lessons, and for the teachers we got to do a lot of meeting & greeting we wouldn't have time to do between lessons.
We also had a musical program, so at different times during the day students would perform, or the teachers would accompany a few students, and I even sang a pop song with a guitarist and we had a grand ol' time. I haven't sung U2 in public since then.
Since German With Nicole.com is ten years old now, and we've never had one, it's time for an open house!
Here's the information in German:
Unser Tag der offenen Tür ist am 16. September von 11 bis 12.30 Uhr und wir treffen uns bei Zoom. Sie müssen sich anmelden und der Link ist in der Beschreibung.
Sie werden über meine deutschen Vorfahren lernen, sowie woher sie kamen. Ich werde Ihnen von verschiedenen Erlebnissen in Europa erzählen, zum Beispiel von dem Chor, mit dem ich gesungen habe. Wir waren in Italien, in Polen und sogar in Israel unterwegs. Und sie können mehr darüber lernen, wie German With Nicole.com angefangen hat.
Natürlich lernen Sie auch über die jetztigen Deutschkurse und Videokurse, ebenso wie die Zukunft der Firma aussieht. Es wird viel Zeit für Ihre Fragen geben. Wenn wir Glück haben, macht Connor einen Cameo-Auftritt.
Vielleicht werde ich auch ein paar Geschenke verteilen.
Also, melden Sie sich umgehend an und ich freue mich, Sie persönlich kennen zu lernen!
Here is the information in English:
Our Open House is on September 16th from 11 am to 12.30 pm Central time and we'll meet on Zoom. You need to register and the registration link is in the notes. When you've registered you'll receive a calendar invite you can add to your calendar and the Zoom link is in it.
You'll learn about my German ancestors, as well as where they were from. I'll share a few stories with you of experiences in Europe, like the choir I used to sing with. We traveled to places like Italy, Poland, and even Israel. And you can learn more about how German With Nicole.com started.
Of course you'll learn about the current German classes and video courses, as well as what the future of the company looks like. There will be plenty of time for your questions. If we're lucky, Connor will make a cameo appearance!
And maybe I'll give away a few gifts, too.
So be sure to register promptly, and I'm looking forward to meeting you!
Das ist genug für heute. Melden Sie sich an und passen Sie gut auf sich auf!
Registration will automatically close when the open house begins.
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