Woche der deutschen Küche: Kräuterbutter

Have you ever had a Grillabend (grill evening)? If you haven't, there are two condiments that stand out the most: Soßen und Kräuterbutter. Sauces and herbed butter.
Sauces are fun, like Curryketchup and BBQ sauce.
But Kräuterbutter? Now that speaks to my dairy-consuming, Wisconsin-raised heart.
What is Kräuterbutter?
Kräuterbutter is simply a bunch of butter mixed with several herbs and some salt. It's really easy to make, easy to enjoy, and sehr, sehr lecker on grilled meats and vegetables.
You can also enjoy it with baguette, which is frequently on the table on a Grillabend.
If you have your own garden or container garden, this is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the herbs you've been growing.
A lot of the recipes I found use different herbs, so maybe you want to try two or three herbs one time and different herbs the next. Warum nicht? Recipes I saw in preparing this post included parsley, chives, rosemary, basil, and even chervil. You can add herbs to your grocery list or simply use what you have on hand.
And if you don't have fresh herbs, used the dried herbs in your cupboard. Warum nicht?
das Rezept
Here are your Kräuterbutter recipe cards in German and in English:
Download Kräuterbutter Recipe Cards (German and English)
Wenn Sie mal Kräuterbutter gemacht und gegessen haben, egal ob diese Woche oder ein anderes Mal, kommen Sie zurück und erzählen Sie, wie es war.
When you've tried Kräuterbutter, whether it's this week or another time, come back and tell us how it went.
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