Lernen Sie trennbare Verben ~ Learn German Separable Verbs

Today you get to learn separable verbs (trennbare Verben) just like one of my German clients!
This is a technique I've used with dozens of German learners and it makes separable verbs a kinaesthetic exercise--and that in two different ways.
You'll need print out or write out some cards, and to have one supply to have ready when you start the video.
Los geht's!
Step 1: Print out or make these cards of trennbare Verben
Download this PDF of 4x6 cards and print them.
If you can't print them, simply open the PDF and use small cards of slips of paper and write them out like they are on the cards.
Your cards don't need to be perfect, they simply need to be made.
Download 4x6 cards with separable verbs
Step 2: Find a scissors.
Gather your supplies. You will need a pair of regular scissors or, if you have them, special craft scissors--I'll explain in the video.
Step 3: Lernen Sie mit.
Watch the video.
I'll explain everything.
Viel Spaß damit!
I'd like to send warm wishes to Sowmya and the A1.1 German class at the SRM Institute of Science and Technology in Potheri, India.
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Wow, that was so helpful. Thank you!
Bitte sehr! Next month we'll have more practice with separable verbs, so stay tuned. :)
Vielen Dank. Your Video helped my finally earn separable verbs.
Bitte sehr!
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