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Three German Phrases on Beginnings to Celebrate One Year of this Podcast!


I got a little verklemmt in this one.

It's the One-Year Anniversary of this podcast! Hurra!

So first I answer a couple of questions.

Then there are three phrases in German on beginnings.

And to close it out: a boatload of thank-yous.

Danke. ♥

Authors and such mentioned in this episode:

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Hermann Hesse

Friedrich Nietzsche

Sigmund Freud

Carl Jung

Ingrid Noll

Christa Wolf

Christine Brückner (new to me!)

die Schadenfreude = pleasure at someone else's misfort…

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7 Holiday Greetings in German, from Hanukkah through Christmas and into the New Year


Holidays mean greetings.

In Germany that means many holiday greetings. For different people.

When do you say what to whom?

Learn in this episode of the GermanWithNicole.com Podcast:

  • How to wish someone a nice Advent in German

  • How to say Happy Hannukah in German

  • How to say Good Yule in German

  • How to say Happy Holidays in German

  • How to say Merry Christmas in German

  • How to say Happy New Year in German

  • and a couple more.

AND you'll learn when to say which g…

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What does "schräg" mean?


You probably enjoy those lists of German words that can't be translated into English as much as I do.

They go around the internet again and again, but have you noticed they're usually the same words?

This word, schräg, never shows up on one, and it deserves to be on every list.

In this episode you'll learn all about the word schräg.

You'll learn what it means, how to pronounce it, and how to use the word schräg.

Und machen Sie Ihre Hausaufgaben! (Do your German homework.)


N.B. The A1-…

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Frau Warner reads aloud: "der Kobold in der Mühle" from the Brothers Grimm

Nicole reads aloud der Kobold in der Mühle cover21

It's a 'scary' time of year and to go along with it, here is your Brothers Grimm fairy tale in a video.

You might not know Der Kobold in der Mühle, however it's every bit as eery as the other fairy tales.

What does Kobold mean?

A Kobold is a "house spirit," a German folk being who takes care of household tasks and sometimes causes mischief.

Britannica.com has a fantastic description of a Kobold that includes this important information:

"...mischievous household spirit who usually helps wi…

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How (Not) to Learn German Part 2 of 2

How (not) to learn German part 2 of 2 NEW

In Part 1, we explored the three most problematic approaches to learning German.

In Part 2 here today, we'll explore solutions to those three problematic approaches. They're all easier than you think, easily actionable, and will get you further in German than you might have thought possible.

If you're frustrated with German, if you haven't made progress like you wanted, and you just don't know what to do differently, this episode is for you.

Be sure to subscribe to automatically receive…

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How (Not) to Learn German Part 1 of 2

How (not) to learn German part 1 of 2 NEW

Consider your strategy and overall approach to German.

If you have been working on German for a while and are only treading water, this episode will help you figure out which parts of your learning approach are getting in your way.

You'll hear three of the most common, problematic approaches I've seen in the last 11 years of teaching German and 18 years of teaching a foreign language.

This is part 1 of 2 because part 2 will then guide you into more constructive territory for German learning. …

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Practice Dates in German Using Dative, With Free Audio

Practice Dates in German Using Dative Free Audio NEW

And find out more about the first three episodes of the GermanWithNicole.com Podcast

The first episode of the GermanWithNicole.com Podcast is going to publish in only a few days.

The second and third episodes will follow soon after, and you can find out what those dates are in this short listening exercise.

Ihre Aufgabe:

Your task is to listen to the audio below and to note which dates the first three episodes will be released (auf Deutsch, natürlich) and then how often new episodes will b…

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The GermanWithNicole.com Podcast is here!

GermanWithNicole.com Podcast-cover-NEW

As usual, the German text is first, then after the flower you'll find the text in English.

Die GermanWithNicole.com Sendung (der Podcast) ist hier! Die Vorschau ist bereit zum Hören und Sie können die Sendung jetzt abonnieren.

Sie können entweder ihre Lieblingspodcastapp öffnen und nach GERMANWITHNICOLE suchen (alles ein Wort), oder Sie können diesen link benutzen:


Die Sendung gibt es jetzt überall: Apple Podcasts, Podcast Addict, Spotify, Googl…

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